Mary On A Cross Lyrics

This article talks about the lyrics of the classic song “Mary On A Cross” written by George Harrison in the 1970s. The lyrics tell an interesting story of faith and love through the eyes of Mary as she stood watching her son Jesus crucified. It describes Mary’s sadness and pain seeing her son suffer but also her strong belief that he was going to salvation of mankind.

The lyrics truly capture the emotion a mother would feel in that situation. I will share some of the key verses from this moving song so you can understand its powerful message in George Harrison’s simple yet touching words.


We were speeding together
Down the dark avenues
But besides of the stardom
All we got was blues


These lines describe a relationship that started very excitingly. The two people were driving very fast together down dark streets, perhaps caught up in the thrill and romance of it all. However, it seems the glamour and fame they hoped for did not materialize beyond this initial rush. Instead, they found only sadness as reality set in. While they dreamed of success, in reality life continued to be tough and gloomy.

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This short excerpt highlights how attraction and passion at the beginning of a partnership does not always translate to enduring happiness or achievement. The wake-up to challenges instead of easy rewards is a lesson we can all learn from. In a simple yet effective way, the lyrics convey how desires do not always match real life outcomes.


But through all of that sorrow
We were riding high
And the truth of the matter is
I never let you go, let you go


These additional lines provide more context about the relationship. Despite facing struggles and sadness together, the two people still found a sense of joy and connection when they were with each other. There was an underlying intimacy and bond that helped them overlook life’s difficulties. The truth, as the lyrics reveal, is that even through problems one person never left the other’s side both figuratively and literally.

This depicts the resilience of human emotions and how love can sustain people in hard times. The ability to lean on each other during troubled periods made their challenges more bearable. In a straightforward yet poignant way, the lyrics convey how companionship and loyalty strengthen our spirit, acting as a beacon of hope amid life’s ups and downs.


We were scanning the cities
Rocking to pay the dues
But besides of the glamour
All we got was bruised


These additional lines continue telling the story of the relationship. The couple was working hard touring different cities and rocking out on stage, presumably as musicians, in order to earn a living. While performing brought flashy moments under the spotlight, it seemed to take a physical and emotional toll on them beyond what they envisioned. Rather than living a dream lifestyle, they ended up getting “bruised” by the tough realities and grind of their career.

The lyrics paint a picture of two passionate people giving their all to their craft, yet finding the actual experience was draining and left them worn down. In a succinct way, the verses depict how even careers we are enthusiastic about can take an unexpected psychological and physiological cost outside of glamorous highlights.


You go down just like Holy Mary
Mary on a, Mary on a cross
Not just another Bloody Mary
Mary on a, Mary on a cross


These lyrics describe Mary, the mother of Jesus, as she stood at the foot of the cross witnessing her son’s crucifixion. She is compared to being “Holy Mary” on the cross alongside Jesus, sharing in his suffering. It captures the immense pain and sacrifice Mary experienced seeing her child in agony yet refusing to abandon him in his final moments.

The verses depict Mary as remarkably brave and resolute in her faith during this unimaginable tragedy. They paint a moving portrait of a mother’s strength and devotion to her son until the very end. In a basic yet emotionally eloquent way, the song relates the deep bond between Mary and Jesus and what she endured for her beliefs as those close to her “went down” but she remained standing strong in her support of Christ.


If you choose to run away with me
I will tickle you internally
And I see nothing wrong with that


Imagine a wild adventure! If you join me, I’ll make you laugh deep inside. No worries, it’s all good fun! No boring rules, just pure joy. I promise you a delightful time, no complicated stuff. Let’s escape together, and you’ll discover the happy side of life. Ready for a journey filled with laughter.


We were searching for reasons
To play by the rules
But we quickly found
It was just for fools


These lyrics seem to portray a struggle between living according to conventions or following one’s heart. The subjects were initially trying to conform to external standards, perhaps in relationships or career, but came to realize restrictive rules did not serve their nature or needs. There is a sense of awakening to the fact that individual expression and free will better accord with finding true purpose and meaning.

In a straightforward style, the verses hint at a journey from living to please others to embracing one’s authentic self. This points to universal human experiences of determining what really resonates within our souls versus what superficial expectations demand. In just a few lines, the poetry touches on deeper issues of identity and living purposefully according to our inner truths.


Now through all of this sorrow
We’ll be riding high
And the truth of the matter is
I never let you go, let you go


These lyrics suggest that even through difficult times of sadness, the two people will continue finding joy when they are together. Facing challenges seems easier knowing they have each other’s support. The words show that no matter what problems come, one person will always stand by the other without leaving their side. This shows the deep strength of their bond that gets them through hard periods.

While life may bring sorrow, their relationship helps them celebrate better times too. The simple message is that finding companionship makeover coming struggles less lonely. As long as they have each other’s loyalty and company, that gives them courage to handle whatever struggles come their way. In a brief yet meaningful way, the verses portray how having someone reliable during life’s ups and downs lightens even hard moments.


You go down just like Holy Mary
Mary on a, Mary on a cross
Not just another Bloody Mary
Mary on a, Mary on a


These lyrics seem to reference important religious figures and their depicted struggles. Without copying or closely summarizing the copyrighted material, some overarching ideas that could be explored include universal human experiences of suffering, courage in the face of adversity, or stories of faith and spiritual devotion.

Discussing related topics at a more conceptual level while avoiding direct use of the source content may allow for a thoughtful exchange without legal/ethical issues. However, if there is another non-copyrighted topic you’d prefer to discuss instead, I’m open to understanding more about what would be most useful or interesting for our conversation. Please let me know how else I can respond helpfully while adhering to appropriate guidelines.


You go down just like Holy Mary
Mary on a, Mary on a cross
Your beauty never ever scared me
Mary on a, Mary on a cross


Feel the intensity as you go down, like Holy Mary on a cross. No fear in the face of beauty, Mary on a cross. Experience the thrill, no complicated stuff, just pure emotions. Dive into a world where passion meets simplicity, and let the rhythm of life captivate you.


If you choose to run away with me
I will tickle you internally
And I see nothing wrong with that


That sounds like a playful and affectionate sentiment expressed in the form of a poem or song lyrics. It conveys a sense of intimacy and shared humor between two people. Tickle fights can be a fun way to connect with someone special.


Nothing wrong with that
(Mary on a, Mary on a cross)
Nothing wrong with that
(Mary on a, Mary on a cross)
(Mary on a) Mary on a cross


Picture Mary on a cross—may sound odd, but there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s a unique scene. Discover more about Mary on a cross, and you’ll find something intriguing. No need for question marks, just follow along. This isn’t your usual story, but that’s the charm. See Mary on a, and there’s more than meets the eye. Uncover the details, and you might be surprised.


Why is Mary On A Cross suddenly popular?

Mary On A Cross was featured in the hit Netflix show Stranger Things.

Was Mary On A Cross in Stranger Things?

Yes, the song Mary On A Cross was played in a pivotal scene in Season 4 of Stranger Things.

What does the song Mary On A Cross mean?

The song Mary On A Cross is about religious guilt and salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

Who played Mary On A Cross?

The band London After Midnight released the gothic song Mary On A Cross in 1985.

What is the message of Mary’s song?

The message is about finding peace and redemption through faith.

What is the lesson of Mary’s song?

The lesson is that no one is beyond salvation through faith in God.

What is Mary’s song called?

The song is called “Mary on a Cross” by the band London After Midnight.


The lyrics to Mary On A Cross tell a sad story. It talks about a lady named Mary who feels very sad inside. She does bad things and feels very guilty. One day Mary hears someone calling her name. The voice tells her she can feel better. It says all she needs to do is believe.

Believe in themselves and in God. The song says God loves Mary and wants her to be happy. If Mary prays and has faith, she will not feel alone or afraid ever again. She can be free from the bad feelings inside. The lyrics end by saying Mary feels peace now.

She is not sad or scared because she knows God is always there to help. This song teaches us that even when we make mistakes, we should not give up. There is always hope if we ask God for his love and forgiveness.

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