Spirit Lead Me Where My Trust Is Without Borders Lyrics

This song tells about having trust and letting the spirit guide your way. The lyrics say to let the spirit lead the way even when you cannot see clearly ahead. By trusting without boundaries, one can find their path shown by their inner spirit. It encourages having bold and complete faith that will direct your steps, not knowing what is around each corner.

The words express putting wholehearted faith that your journey will be blessed when you surrender control. One will discover amazing things and feel at peace when they stop restricting God’s navigation by their limited sight. This melody guides one to freedom through trusting in their spirit’s leading above all else. You may want to Read: Mary On A Cross Lyrics


“Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)”

You call me out upon the waters
The great unknown where feet may fail
And there I find You in the mystery
In oceans deep
My faith will stand


This song talks about having faith when facing unknown waters. It discusses being called into something scary like deep waters where walking may be hard. But in the confusion and difficult places, finding God brings trust. Even though it feels overwhelming like a big ocean, believing in God provides strength. The lyrics encourage having courage when faced with things that seem uncertain.

Stepping into the unclear is challenging, but focusing on faith in God gives the power to continue. The words express how trusting Jesus can help deal with anything scary life may bring. When life feels like unsteady waters, having faith in God can give the support to keep going even when afraid.


And I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine


This song speaks about having reliance on God during tough times. It discusses calling on God’s name when facing challenges. Even when issues feel overwhelming like large waves, keeping focus on faith provides calm. The words express that though problems may seem to engulf like rising oceans, the soul can find peace in God’s protection. It states that despite life’s difficulties, one can feel secure being close to God.

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No matter what storms emerge, putting trust in their relationship with God allows resting in his care. The lyrics encourage having confidence in God’s love especially when worries attack. Knowing that they belong to God and he belongs to them allows withstanding anything that arises in life. Through all of life’s ups and downs, faith can give refuge in God’s unending embrace.


Your grace abounds in deepest waters
Your sovereign hand
Will be my guide
Where feet may fail
And fear surrounds me
You’ve never failed
And You won’t start now


This song speaks about finding grace in even the most challenging of times. It discusses how God’s favor is abundantly present, even in life’s darkest depths like deep waters. His guiding hand offers direction, even when walking seems impossible. Though fears encircle during difficult periods, faith in God’s character gives reassurance. The lyrics express that regardless of past experiences, God has always come through and supported his people.

It conveys confidence that he will continue to do so, even when surrounded by uncertainties or weaknesses. Though life presents troubles where strength may falter, God’s proven faithfulness and power provides comfort. The words encourage facing fears by remembering God’s constant goodness and sovereignty throughout history and personal experiences. His unfailing nature gives courage to keep trusting as he leads the way.


So I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine
And You are mine


This song expresses ongoing commitment to faith in God during all of life’s ups and downs. It discusses continuing to call on his name and keeping focus on him even when issues seem overwhelming. The lyrics convey that though difficulties are certain to arise like turbulent waters, his unfailing love provides a refuge where the soul can rest. No matter the challenges that surface, he can feel secure knowing he belongs to God and God belongs to him.

There is confidence that through every storm, their deep connection gives comfort and safety. The words encourage facing all that each day may bring by remembering the eternal protection found in the embrace of the divine. Through every worry or trouble, his unchanging love serves as an anchor. The creator’s claim over his people and their claim of the creator gives assurance to trust fully as life’s oceans surge.


Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Saviour


This song expresses a desire to fully trust God’s guidance through both calm and turbulent times. It speaks of wanting the spirit to lead the way even into unfamiliar or challenging situations like walking on waters. There is a willingness to go wherever one is called, even if beyond one’s own capabilities. The lyrics convey pursuing a deeper relationship with God that strengthens faith through both easy and difficult experiences.

It discusses faith growing as they spend more time with their savior, especially when following him into the unknown. The words encourage completely trusting in God’s decisions and direction for life without limitation. Facing new difficulties with him at one’s side is an invitation for faith to take root more deeply. Surrendering fully to the spirit’s nudges assures being led to rich blessings through trial and tranquility alike.


I will call upon Your name
Keep my eyes above the waves
My soul will rest in Your embrace
I am Yours and You are mine


This song expresses an ongoing commitment to rely on God and keep focus on him, especially during life’s troublesome times. The lyrics convey that no matter the challenges that arise just as waves in the ocean, calling on his name and clinging to faith will bring peace. There is a reassurance that even when surrounded by worries or issues, his unfailing love securely holds his children.

The words convey sheltering in the safety of his care, remembering their deep connection to the divine. Having the confidence that they fully belong to him and he belongs to them gives comfort facing each day’s uncertainties. The lyrics encourage facing all storms in life by cherishing the eternal refuge found within their savior’s arms. His unchanging devotion allows resting in his protection through every worry and difficulty. Clinging to their identity in Christ provides solace no matter the oceans life sends.


What does spirit lead me where my trust without borders mean?

The song expresses fully trusting God’s guidance without limits.

What is the meaning of the song Oceans by Hill song?

The song is about having faith in God during difficult times.

Who sang Oceans Where Feet May Fail?

The band Hillsong UNITED originally sang the song Oceans (Where Feet May Fail).

Is Hill song a band?

Yes, Hillsong is a Christian band known for contemporary worship music.

Where in the Bible does it say Spirit leads me?

Nowhere, the phrase “Spirit lead me” does not appear verbatim in the Bible.

What does trust without borders mean?

Trusting without borders means having complete faith and confidence without restrictions.

How do you let the Spirit lead you?

To let the Spirit lead means surrender your will and listen for God’s direction through prayer, scripture and circumstances.


The songs discuss themes of fully trusting in God’s guidance and finding refuge in him during challenging times. They express a faith that relies on the divine even when facing uncertainties. The lyrics encourage an ongoing commitment to calling on God and keeping one’s eyes fixed above life’s waves through trusting in his unfailing love.

Whether walking into deep waters, being led somewhere new by the spirit, or riding out turbulent oceans, one can rest in God’s secure embrace. The messages convey comfort in his sovereignty and protection no matter what difficulties emerge.

Overall, the songs point to empowerment found through utterly surrendering to God’s leadership moment by moment and remembering his proven faithfulness throughout history as well as personal experience. Relying on the divine provides solace to weather whatever storms may come.

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