Jason Aldean Try That In A Small Town Lyrics

Jason Aldean sings about small town life experiences in his song “Try that in a small town”. In simple words the song talks about how big city ways will not work well in a little town. It says if you try fast cars and wild nights in a small community everyone would know about it quickly.

Your actions have results in close knit neighborhoods where everybody cares about each other. Aldean suggests to watch what you do as eyes are always watching in little places where folks know each other’s business. He advises to think before trying flashy moves meant for crowds as word travels fast between involved people caring for one another in towns.

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[Verse 1]
Sucker punch somebody on a sidewalk
Carjack an old lady at a red light
Pull a gun on the owner of a liquor store
Ya think it’s cool, well, act a fool if ya like
Cuss out a cop, spit in his face
Stomp on the flag and light it up
Yeah, ya think you’re tough

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Well, try that in a small town
See how far ya make it down the road
‘Round here, we take care of our own
You cross that line, it won’t take long
For you to find out, I recommend you don’t
Try that in a small town

[Verse 2]
Got a gun that my granddad gave me
They say one day they’re gonna round up
Well, that shit might fly in the city, good luck

Try that in a small town
See how far ya make it down the road
‘Round here, we take care of our own
You cross that line, it won’t take long
For you to find out, I recommend you don’t
Try that in a small town

Full of good ol’ boys, raised up right
If you’re looking for a fight
Try that in a small town
Try that in a small town

Try that in a small town
(See how far ya make it down the road)
‘Round here, we take care of our own
You cross that line, it won’t take long
For you to find out, I recommend you don’t
Try that in a small town
Try that in a small town, mm-mm

Try that in a small town

Try That In A Small Town Lyrics Meaning

[Verse 1]

This verse warns against dangerous criminal behavior like attacking people from behind unexpectedly on the pathway or forcibly taking a vehicle from a senior at traffic signal lights. Pulling firearms on shopkeepers to rob liquor stores is also portrayed as unwise actions. The lines seem to suggest that performing rash deeds out of foolishness or to look ferocious may appear “cool” wrongly to some.

However, such risky conducts could lead to undesirable outcomes legally and harmfully affect the perpetrator or victims. Therefore, it advises not to engage in unlawful or violent actions that can invite troubles if one thinks before acting. Overall, the short rhyming lines counsel against showing off through reckless mischief that risks one’s safety and freedom.


This verse cautions against reckless behavior in close-knit small communities where news travels fast between neighbors. It implies that disrespectful actions have swift, real consequences unlike in more anonymous big cities. If someone provokes trouble to prove themselves by disrespecting locals or breaking rules, they likely won’t get very far before facing responses. Strong social bonds and protective nature within small towns mean people stick together.

So crossing the line may prompt collective action much sooner than one expects. Given how closely intertwined residents are, it’s best not to test the tolerance of the populace through misguided escapades meant to rile others or look tough. Overall, the warning advises maintaining peace instead of bringing harm through foolishness, as the close network ensures swift reckoning for wrongdoings.

[Verse 2]

This verse refers to the speaker possessing a firearm that was passed down from their grandfather. There seems to be discussions about possible attempts to confiscate weapons through organized campaigns at some point. However, the lines suggest such strategies may only work in urban communities, not rural areas. It implies people in smaller towns cherish hunting and self-defense traditions deeply.

Residents value weapons as legacies from ancestors and symbols of personal liberties. Therefore, forcibly taking arms away from those raised with them can invite strong opposition unlike in cities where gun ownership is more optional. In essence, the lines hint that predetermined plans to round up all firearms likely face more difficulty against the independent spirit and ingrained customs of longtime gun-holding folks living in close countryside areas.


This concluding verse alludes to the superior role of long dwelling natives in small rural communities. It portrays the residents as honorable people who are raised with strong values such as self-defense. The repetition of “Try that in a small town” emphasizes earlier warnings about bringing harmful or illegal behavior among a strong population that respects law and order. This means that outsiders willing to seek trouble through disrespect or violence will have to face a united front tied to lifelong, principled residents.

While big cities offer anonymity, nearby country neighborhoods foster accountability. Where disruptive opportunists or anarchists cannot easily come and go without making clear intentions. Overall, the last lines confirm the small townspeople’s united protection of peace that they were rightfully taught from an early age. Outsiders are advised to maintain civility in harmonious societies that proudly live by community ethics.


What do the lyrics Try That in a Small Town mean?

The lyrics warn against reckless behavior in close-knit small communities.

What song made Jason Aldean famous?

“Dirt Road Anthem” made Jason Aldean famous.

Who wrote that in a small town?

Jason Aldean co-wrote “Try That in a Small Town.”

What is Jason Aldean’s hometown?

Jason Aldean’s hometown is Macon, Georgia.

Who is Jason’s ex wife?

Jason Aldean’s ex-wife is Jessica Usury.

How did Jason Aldean become famous?

Jason Aldean became famous through his bluesy country rock style and breakthrough single “Amarillo Sky.”

Final Thoughts

The song by Jason Aldean tells about life in small communities. It says doing mischievous or wild acts would not be good there. Everyone knows each other in small towns so news spreads fast between folks. The song gives the message that actions have results. It talks about how thinking before doing things is better than acting without thinking.

The lyrics teach us it is good to be kind and respectful to all in small places. We should take care of each other and get along with neighbors. Aldean wants people to have fun without troubling others. He sings how small towns are nice places to live and grow when people cooperate and look out for each other in a nice manner.

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