Jason Aldean sings about small town life experiences in his song “Try that in a small town”. In simple words the song talks about how big city ways will not work well in a little town. It says if you try fast cars and wild nights in a small community everyone would know about it quickly. Your actions have results in close knit neighborhoods where everybody cares about each other. Aldean suggests to watch what you do as eyes are always watching in little places where folks know each other’s business. He advises to think before trying flashy moves meant for crowds as word travels fast between involved people caring for one another in towns. Read more
This verse warns against dangerous criminal behavior like attacking people from behind unexpectedly on the pathway or forcibly taking a vehicle from a senior at traffic signal lights. Pulling firearms on shopkeepers to rob liquor stores is also portrayed as unwise actions. The lines seem to suggest that performing rash deeds out of foolishness or to look ferocious may appear “cool” wrongly to some. Read more